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Easy Chapter Books 初级章节书,全套共26本
Reading level: Ages 9-12
A to Z Mysteries 三个孩子碰到各种案件, 运用线索,通过思索, 调查研究, 推理,最后抓住罪犯。
每本页数在90页左右, 词汇和难度较JBJ有所增加,每页排版和JBJ多了几行,适合小学中高年级的孩子阅读。
A to Z Mysteries is a popular children's novel series written by Ron Roy and published by Random House. The series is generally considered among the best "easy readers" for young children.[1][2] There are twenty-six books in the series, one for each letter of the alphabet. The series begins with The Absent Author, published in 1998, and ends with The Zombie Zone published in 2005.
美国原版章回小说 chapter books
A-Z Mystries
适合正在学习hooked on phonics master reader阶段的孩子。
The Absent Author
The Bald Bandit
The Canary Caper
The Deadly Dungeon
The Empty Envelope
The Falcon Feather
The Goose Gold
The Haunted Hotel
The Invisible Island
The Jaguar's Jewel
The Bitten King
The Lucky Lottery
The Missing Mummy
The Ninth Nugget
The Orange Outlaw
The Panda Puzzle
The Quicksand Question
The Runaway Racehorse
The School Skeleton
The Talking T-Rex
The Umpire
The Vampire Vacation
The White Wolf
The X'ed-Out X-Ray
The Yellow Yacht
The Zombie Zone
Super Edition 1 Detective Camp (2006).pdf
Super Edition 2 Mayflower Treasure Hunt.pdf