放飞风筝所带来的一切麻烦,使Super Duck非常适合大声朗读和大笑。 奥尔伯勒(Alborough)永恒的幽默感和韵律从书页中爆发出来,并将吸引最年轻的超级英雄。
A runaway kite is all it takes the resulting chaos makes Super Duck ideal for reading and laughing out loud. Alborough's timeless sense of humor and rhyme bursts from the pages, and will have the youngest super heroes shouting along.
ISBN-13 书号:9781933605890
Author 作者:Alborough, Jez
出版社:Kane/Miller Book Publishers
Publication Date 出版日期:2009-03-01
Shipping Weight 商品重量:0.521kg
Shipping Weight Language 语种:ENG
pages 页数:26