《Mrs Penguin's Perfect Palace》 企鹅夫人的完美宫殿 你想去参观一下企鹅夫人的宫殿吗? 《Mrs Penguin's Perfect Palace》 企鹅夫人的完美宫殿 “I wish I had a HOUSE!” said Mrs Penguin. “I don’t like living in rubbish.” 我想要有个房子, 我不想住在垃圾堆旁边,企鹅夫人说。 “Dear Mrs Penguin,” said Papa Penguin. “We will build you a palace.” 企鹅爸爸说,亲爱的企鹅夫人, 我们将会给你建一个宫殿。 So the Penguin family set to work. 所以,企鹅家族着手工作了。 “The sand is making me itch,” grumbled Sissie. Sissie咕哝着说,这沙子让我感到好痒。 “The measurements are wrong,” said Boetie. Boetie说,这测量尺寸是错误的。 “I’m hungry,” said Gobbles. Gobbles说,我很饿了。 Mrs Penguin sighed. She was doing all the work. 企鹅夫人叹了一口气。 她正在做全部的工作。 At last the castle was finished. 最后城堡建好了。 But the tide came in and washed it away. 但是来了一场潮夕把城堡给冲走了。 “We’ll try again,” said Papa Penguin. 企鹅爸爸说,我们再试一次。 “Come children, we’ll build Mama a mansion from stone.” 来吧孩子,我们这次用石头给妈妈建一所房子。 So the Penguin family set to work. 所以企鹅家族再一次着手工作了。 “The stones are heavy,” grumbled Sissie. Sissie咕哝着,这些石头好重啊。 “The measurements are wrong,” said Boetie. Boetie说,这些测量尺寸还是错误的。 “I’m still hungry,” said Gobbles. Gobbles说,我还是好饿。 At last it was finished. But the wind came up and blew it over. 房子终于还是建好了, 但是又再一次的被潮汐给冲走了。 Mrs Penguin was cross. “I’m not doing any more work,” she said. 企鹅夫人十分生气的说, 我再也不想做更多工作了。 “We’ll try again,” said Papa. 企鹅爸爸说,我们再试一次。 “I can’t think of anything,” said Sissie. “It’s too hard.” Sissie说,我实在是不敢想像, 这实在太难了。 “We haven’t got any cement,” said Boetie. “You can’t build a proper house without cement.” Boetie说,我们没有任何水泥。 没有水泥是不可能建房子的。 “I’m hungry,” said Gobbles. Gobbles说,我好饿。 Mrs Penguin sighed. She was never going to get her home. 企鹅夫人叹了一口气。 她永远也不会有自己的房子。 “Just look at all this mess,” she said. 看这些乱七八糟的,企鹅夫人说。 Then Mrs Penguin had an idea. 然后企鹅夫人突然有了一个想法。 “Boetie, fetch wood,” she said. “Sissie, find nets.” 她叫Boetie和Sissie分别 去找些木材和网。 “Gobbles, pick up plastic. Papa, fetch the hammer.” Gobbles拿了一些塑料, 企鹅爸爸取来锤子。 All day they worked. 他们工作了一整天。 “I’m tired,” said Sissie. Sissie说,我很累了。 “Keep working,” said Mama. 妈妈叫她继续工作。 “The measurements are wrong,” said Boetie. Boetie说,测量尺寸错了。 “Keep working,” said Mama. 妈妈叫他继续工作。 “I’m still hungry,” said Gobbles. Gobbles说,他还是很饿。 “Keep working,” said Mama. 妈妈叫他继续工作。 “It’s going to be wonderful,” said Papa. 企鹅爸爸对企鹅妈妈说,这肯定会特别的棒。 “You’re doing a good job,” said Mama. 企鹅妈妈对企鹅爸爸说,你正在做一个很伟大的项目。 So they worked and worked and worked and worked … 所以大家坚持工作,坚持,坚持.... … And at last the house was finished. 最后,房子终于建好了。 “Welcome to your palace,” said Papa. Mrs Penguin clapped her flippers. 欢迎来到你的宫殿, 企鹅爸爸说。企鹅妈妈高兴的直拍手。 “Thank you,” she said. “It’s Mrs Penguin’s Perfect Palace. 并且说了声谢谢。 这是企鹅夫人的完美的宫殿。