《The Cat in the Hat 戴帽子的猫》全书只用了236个单词,向小朋友介绍科普知识,是一部对英语儿童文学产生巨大影响的著作,畅销全球。
非常押韵,读起来琅琅上口,故事性也很强。作者是西多·苏思·吉赛尔(Theodore Seuss Geisel),儿童文学作家及艺术家,绰号“苏士博士”(Dr。Seuss)。
To accompany the release of the live action movie of The Cat in the Hat, starring Mike Myers, HarperCollins are proud to present Dr. Seuss''s original, classic tale of the coolest, hippest cat in history!When the Cat in the Hat steps in on the mat, Sally and her brother are in for a roller-coaster ride of havoc and mayhem! The Cat can rescue them from a dull rainy day, but it means lots of thrills and spills along the way. The wonderfully anarchic Cat in the Hat is one of the most popular characters in children''s fiction, and this book is ideal for budding readers to tackle on their own.