The Story – Mickey and Donald’s Christmas Parade (2018)
米奇和唐纳德(Mickey and Donald)的圣诞节游行(2018):这是迪士尼乐园的一个浩大的故事集! 米奇和史克鲁奇叔叔在《圣诞节雀跃》中与佩格莱格·皮特和小猎犬男孩作战。 然后,黛西,唐纳德和格拉德斯通在“圣诞节俱乐部”度过了一个不太愉快的假期,而唐纳德和米奇则在“《没有季节!》”中从幻影中拯救了圣诞节!
Mickey and Donald’s Christmas Parade (2018) : It’s a ho-ho-humongous collection of Disney Yuletide tales! Mickey and Uncle Scrooge battle Pegleg Pete and the Beagle Boys in “The Christmas Caper!” Then Daisy, Donald, and Gladstone have a not-so-jolly holiday in “Christmas Clubbing”—and Donald and Mickey save Christmas from the Phantom Blot in “‘Tis No Season!”