对于所有好奇的读者,《视觉指南》为世界带来了复杂而迷人的现象。 准确,详细的视觉信息全部以外行语言定义,以使非专业人员可以轻松访问。 在解释本身或综合术语表中给出了科学术语的定义。
For all curious readers, the Visual Guides open the door to a world of complex and captivating phenomena. Accurate, detailed visual information is all defined in lay language to make it readily accessible to the non-expert. Definitions to scientific terms are given either in the explanation itself, or in the comprehensive glossary.
1.The Visual Guide Understanding Climate and the Environment 气候与环境
2.The Visual Guide Understanding Plants and the Vegetable Kingdom 植物与蔬菜王国
3.The Visual Guide Understanding The Human Body 人体
4.The Visual Guide Understanding the Universe 宇宙
5.The Visual World Atlas Facts and maps of the current world 世界地图集