作者: Norman Lewis
出版社: Pocket Books
副标题: The Complete Handbook for Building a Superior Vocabulary
出版年: 1991-2-15
页数: 528
定价: USD 7.99
装帧: Mass Market Paperback
ISBN: 9780671741907
Do You Always Use the Right Word?
Can You Pronounce It -- and Spell It -- Correctly?
Do You Know How to Avoid Illiterate Expressions?
Do You Speak Grammatically, Without Embarrassing Mistakes?
If the answer to any of these questions is NO, you ought to read Word Power Made Easy. Now thoroughly revised to eliminate outmoded references and to to reflect current idioms, it remains the best and quickest means to a better vocabulary in the English language.
Each chapter ends with review. Each section ends with a progressive check. Numerous tests will help you increase and retain the knowledge you acquired. Word Power Made Easy does more than just ass words to you vocabulary. It teaches ideas and a method of broadening knowledge as an integral part of the vocabulary building process.
内容全英文,难度适合中等以上能力的英语学习者, 更为适合有一定英语基础的人。
可搭英英韦氏字词典Merriam Webster Vocabulary Builder,对英语思维和遣词造句大有裨益。