A combined reference book and workbook covering over 3,000 entries of essential words and phrases to expand your English vocabulary.
Designed around the most up-to-date theories of language acquisition, English for Everyone: English Vocabulary Builder includes all the words and phrases English learners need to know. Question words, feelings, hairstyles, technology, seasons, entertainment, sports, and more are covered and illustrated, plus paired with audio in the accompanying app available for download. Readers can write their own translations and work through practice exercises to improve their English language skills. Ideal for ESL learners at all stages, from beginner to advanced.
针对最新的语言习得理论而设计的“所有人英语”:英语词汇生成器包括英语学习者需要知道的所有单词和短语。 问题词,感觉,发型,技术,季节,娱乐,运动等内容均已覆盖和图示,并在随附的应用程序中提供了与音频配对的功能,可供下载。 读者可以编写自己的译文,并通过练习来提高英语水平。 从初学者到高级的所有阶段的ESL学习者的理想选择。