As is stated in our introduction, this public account is meant to look into English as a media for a wider view of the world around us. Hopefully, parents as well as students of all ages may find it inspiring as they struggle with the world language either for a better opportunity or to pass a certain test. My pure goal is to offer some of my thinking on this topic for further discussion. All my writings will be pivoted on the following three principles.
1. CONTENT before form.
2. SOUND before sight.
3. ATTITUDE before aptitude.
1. 内容先于形式。
2. 声音先于视觉。
3. 情感先于才智。
Allow me to elaberate one by one.
1. CONTENT before form. Whenever we hear someone speak, or read certain text, we focus more on the message, not the form, or grammatical structures of the sentences.
2. SOUND before sight.
With every language, man had long been communicating in its spoken form (sound) before any written form (sight) was even invented.
All children have already mastered a spoken language (by 5 or 6 years of age) before they come to know any kind of written language.
3. ATTITUDE before aptitude.
Grammar-based language tests aim to find out a person's language aptitude. But as research has found out, it is not aptitude but attitude that affects a person's language acquisition the most.
Favorable attitudes include an open mind to the target culture, low anxiety and above all, experiencing pleasure when exposed to the language. Thus, pleasure is progress. If classroom, tests, grammar learning are giving students stress rather than pleasure, no one can progress under such circumstances. Almost all great achievements of men were made because of the immense pleasure they got from doing so.
1. 语言的内容先于形式。任何形式的交流都是专注于交流的信息,而非语言的形式,即语法。 只有有意义的信息才会激起听者或读者的真实持久的兴趣,而语言结构不能。 2. 声音先于视觉。例1. 所有的语言的声音跟说该语言的种族一样古老,而其文字不过数千年。例2. 教育专家们不止一次地呼吁幼儿园不能提前进行识字教育,而幼儿园5岁到6岁的幼儿的听说水平已经完全满足了他的生活需要。相比较,小学三四年级的英语课从一开始就进行字母、单词的读写,此时学习者的听说能力为零。十多年的英语学习之后,大学乃至研究生毕业的学生,有几人可以使用生活英语自由交流?
3. 情感先于才智。语法规则的学习能力是一个人分析、总结、类比、归纳、演绎等抽象推理能力的体现。但是任何幼儿在几乎完全没有上述能力的时候就已经达到了用其母语熟练交流的水平。可见,语言学习与才智无关。
This being my very first article, I'm going to end here and I hope I can keep it up.
Aknowledgement: I would also like to thank my son, 12, and my daughter, 4, for being my subjects of language experiments and all my students of 2021 for my further experiments. I'll try to post one of my favorite stories. Maybe I can post one each time I publish something.
(to be continued) Jan 24, 2021