先从国内的语文教材说起吧,貌似没有专门讲作文的书,要想提高写作技巧,课堂上也学不到什么,得去参加外面的付费培训班,而各种作文培训班采用的教材也是五花八门,我觉得我国的语文教育比别人落后了不是一点点,当看到这套write source时,有一种眼前一亮的感觉。当然目前的reading和language arts教材相信已经多得让人挑花眼了,所以此套全网唯一的写作教材更显得弥足珍贵,可以说是填补了空白。
Experience the power of Write Source, the only K–12 personalized print and digital language arts program that supports the Common Core State Standards for language and writing . Cutting edge technology tools prepare students to master the writing process, key writing forms, Six Traits, grammar, usage, and mechanics.
Aligned to the Common Core State Standards Write Source is the only fully digital elementary and secondary writing program that is aligned to the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts.
这套write source是专门为common core新课标设计的,全方位地训练语法及写作技巧,我翻了一下,一篇习作改三遍才算完工,呵呵。
1、Student Edition(PDF文档 +MP3音频)
2、Teacher Edition(PDF文档)
3、SkillsBook SE(学生版,和1配合使用,PDF文档 +MP3音频)
4、SkillsBook TE(教师版,PDF文档 )
6、Daily language workouts(PDF文档)
链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1-JQiw8mqCF8HgIRRHFnosQ